People are naturally and inherently Mobile. And yet, for a hundred years, We got told that the only way to communicate was over a pair of wires. So, Have You Ever thought one day that your Mobile phone will be weighing more than one kilogram?! Indeed no, and definitely it’s not an acceptable idea for you at all.
But back in 1973, it was more than a welcomed idea when Martin Cooper made the first publicized handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model on April 3, 1973. And in return you don’t need to get tied up at Home to communicate.
DynaTAC is a series of mobile phones manufactured by Motorola from 1983 to 1994. The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X commercial portable cellular phone received approval from the U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commissions) on September 21st 1983. You can imagine that a full-charge process for the Motorola’s device took roughly 10 hours, and it offered 30 minutes of talk time. It also offered an LED display for dialing or recall of one of 30 phone numbers. It was priced at $3,995 in 1984, its commercial release year, equivalent to $10,420 in 2021. DynaTAC was an abbreviation of “Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage”.
Several models followed, starting in 1985 with the 8000s, and continuing with periodic updates of increasing frequency until 1993’s Classic II. The DynaTAC was replaced in most roles by the much smaller Motorola MicroTAC when it was first introduced in 1989, and by the time of the Motorola StarTAC’s release in 1996, it was obsolete.
People back there in the US were effectively shocked when the news got spread about that invention, Various news reports were stating that it’s just a rumor; and It can’t exist to have a cellular portable phone available for communication with such a status like that. Until they have it confirmed with The Very First Mobile Phone Call in History between Martin and his Brother John:
Martin: Hi Jo, It’s Martin Cooper;
Jo: Hi Marty, what is that?
Martin: I’m calling you from a cell phone, but a real cell phone. Personal, handheld, portable cellphone. the resilience at the other end of the line.
There were only two phones existing at that time. The biggest issue they had at this first call was they didn’t know if this phone was going to work or not. Imagine It; they are just inventing and doing multiple trials for such a device that never existed before!. Thus, the major concern was if it’s going to work when we turn it on or not!. Fortunately it Did work!
42 years after that Historic First Call, there are more Cell Phones than people on the planet.
The most valuable statement from Martin Cooper was his confession: ‘We Never could have predicted what has happened to technology over years since we created that first cell phone. Modern Smartphones are a technological marvel. It really is incredible audit Stuff that is squeezed in that cell phone; But I’m not very happy with it. In part of this because we think we can make a smartphone to do all things for all people, and Yep we didn’t do all of these things perfectly, so we still got ways to Go”.